CT101 -
The Oozing Skull
(aka Brain of Blood) |
CT102 -
The Doomsday Machine |
CT103 -
The Wasp Woman |
CT104 -
Legacy of Blood
(UK Video Cover) |
CT105 -
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians |
CT201 -
Frankenstein's Castle of Freaks |
CT202 -
Blood of the Vampire
(aka Curse of...) |
CT203 -
East Meets Watts
(aka The Dynamite Brothers) |
CT301 -
Alien Factor
(UK Video Cover) |
CT302 -
Danger on Tiki Island (aka Brides of Blood) |
CT401 -
War of the Insects
(aka Genocide) |
Samson and the 7 Miracles of the World |
CT501 -
Rattlers |
The Astral Factor |
The Doll Squad |
RTP101 -
Star Trek Phase II: World Enough and Time |
RTP102 -
Dark Water
(Matthew J. Elliott) |
RTP103 -
Saw |
RTP104 -
Star Trek Phase II: To Serve All My Days |
RTP105 -
House of Wax
(Matthew J. Elliott) |
RTP106 -
The X-Files: Fight the Future |
RTP107 -
Alien |
RTP108 -
Spider-man 2 |
RTP109 -
The Day After Tomorrow
(plus Josh Fruhlinger) |
RTP110 -
Dirty Dancing
(Cole Stratton/
Janet Varney) |
RTP201 -
Die Hard
(Matthew J. Elliott) |
RTP202 -
(Jonathan Coulton,
Paul & Storm) |
RTP203 -
(Cole Stratton/
Jane Varney) |
RTP204 -
The Running Man
(Blame Society
w/ Chad Vader) |
RTP205 -
Batman Forever
theglasses.com) |
RTP206 -
Planet of the Apes
(Matthew J. Elliott) |
RTP207 -
(Cole Stratton/
Janet Varney) |
RTP208 -
Ghost Rider
(Blame Society) |
RTP209 -
(Cole Stratton/
Jane Varney) |
RTP301 -
(Matthew J. Elliott) |
RTP302 -
Lost Boys
(Cole Stratton/
Janet Varney) |
RTP303 -
Jaws 3
(Cole Stratton/
Janet Varney) |
RTP401 -
Jurassic Park III
(Matthew J. Elliott) |
RTP402 -
Sherlock Holmes
(Matthew J. Elliott) |
RTP501 -
(Cole Stratton/
Janet Varney) |
RTP502 -
The Expendables
(Matthew J. Elliott) |
RT601 -
Horror Express |