The Comedy Central Years
These are the items I've found dating from the early years that MST3K appeared on Comedy Central
1. In October 1991 Comedy Central sent out some fact sheets about the new channel included in press kits. This is the cover page.
2. A letter from Comedy Central dated 11-18-91 announced the first Turkey Day marathon.
3. Comedy Central badge from 1991
4. 1991 Magazines
5. Best Brains created their own Press Kits by reprinting copies of newspaper and magazine articles on their own PRESS format. The version I have is from February 1992 and consists of 42 pages. Below are just a few examples including the first press release from 12-19-88 and Tom Shales Best of 1991 from the Washington Post.
6. If At All Possible Involve A Cow by Neil Steinberg released in July 1992 with an article about Jim Mallon's antics while at the University of Wisconsin.
7. The Killer Shrews (407) script. Here is the invention exchange.
8. Mystery Science Manifesto 3000 (MSM3K) was one of the earliest, and most unusual, fanzines. Its first issue came out September 1992. There were 12 or 13 issues ending in early 1995. The first and last issue I have are shown below.
9. Comedy Central put out their official press kits like the one below from October 1992. This one included a glossy 8x10 pictures, 2 color slides and a number of informational packets about MST3K and other shows on Comedy Central.
10. Press photo for September 14, 1992 airing of This is Spinal Tap and 1992 MST3K Turkey Day Marathon.
11. Comedy Central sent out this popular post card to announce the second Turkey Day Marathon in November 1992.
12. 1992 magazines
13. Crow's Nest, another popular and well done fanzine, debuted with a Jan/ Feb 1993 issue and continued to October 1996. Many of the issues featured original artwork by Gary Glover among others. Below are some example covers from each year. If anyone has a copy of the October 1996 issue I would like to get a copy.
14. Some original artwork by illustrator Gary Glover used for covers of the Crow's Nest.
15. Comedy Central sent out this tape in the Spring of 1993 to shamelessly plug some of their shows. Included is a complete, commercial-free version of This Is MST3K. (By the way, the Comedy Central News tease at the end of the tape is a piece about Comedy Central creating a new show that they think will be called The Daily Show, or something like that.)
16. Comedy Central supplied the 1993 poster below to a cable company for a local promotion. As you opened up each fold of the poster you saw a different MST scene. Once open a large Poster of Joel and the Bots was on the back.
Hold up on your trip to Venus.
Postpone transforming yourself into a reptile-like creature.
And ask that slime thing if it can ...
17. Man or Astroman released their version of the MST3K Love Theme in June 1993.
18. This large, stand-up display was used at cable stations to promote the Pick the Wisecrack contest in the summer of 1993. The winner of the contest received gifts and appeared in one of the Turkey Day bumpers that year.
19. Some MSTies that entered the Pick the Wisecrack contest and had the correct answer, but did not get selected as the winner were sent a Comedy Central runner up t-shirt
20. MSTieween 93 took place on 10-30-93 in Edina, MN when a bunch on on-line MSTies held a Halloween party to watch Mike Nelson's debut in The Brain That Wouldn't Die. Comedy Central catered and filmed the event to use as the bumpers for the 1993 Turkey Day marathon. An attendee of the event received this tape of all the bumpers as well as the t-shirt shown below. I included one example of a lead-in screen used for each of the 30+ bumpers.
21. The MSTieween 93 t-shirt was signed by Kevin, Frank, Jim, Mike and Trace. While Trace drew a cute drawing of Crow peeking around the planet logo Kevin correctly identified the location of the nipple.
22. Each of the cast members was given a white lab coat that was worn around the studio for years. Kevin can be seen during the This Is MST3K special wearing his. This is the coat worn by Jim Mallon.
23. An excellent collection of MST related newspaper and magazine articles called Shadowramma was re-released around December 1993 (green cover). It was updated in the Spring of 1994 (orange cover).
24. 1993 magazines
25. BBI list of 1-hour episodes for the MST3K Hour. All target run times and public domain titles are noted.
26. Film Processing Info sheet used by BBI.
27. Here is part of a 1994 Comedy Central press kit. This kit included the standard Comedy Central folder, a few press releases and 4 color slides of Mike and the bots.
28. Best Brains publicity photo and similar picture from Minneapolis Star-Tribune, 9/14/94.
29. Some other fanzines of the time included Satellite of Love Letters (issued quarterly starting in Sept 94), World of Cheese (issue #3 shown below with a report from the first convention) and Hamdinger (with more convention 1 memories).
30. MST3K Stereogram (Magic Eye) created by Darryl Cate and posted 10/24/94.
If you have trouble picking out the MST shadowrama try staring at the two eyes at the top of the picture and let your eyes go out of focus. When you begin to see a third eye in the middle scan down into the picture. The shadowrama isn't perfect, but it's still kind of interesting.31. On 11-15-94 Comedy Central sent out this press release to announce that Adam West would be hosting that year's Turkey Day marathon.
32. Season 6 complete list from BBI files showing run time and delivery dates.
33. 1994 magazines