
Conventions, Live Shows and Tours
1992 - 1996

These are items from the various conventions held by Best Brains and including MST3K performers as well as the live shows and college tours conducted over the years.

If anyone has any memorabilia from the cons or appearances other than what you see below please contact me.  I would love to see it.

1. Invitation sent to Midwest area MSTies for the MST Alive! shows on July 10-11, 1992.

        mem-con-92card.jpg (59079 bytes)

        mem-con-92card-x.jpg (57820 bytes)

2. The Mitchell (512) college screening tour October 6-22, 1993. (Nothing from this one yet)

3. Free Cheese College Tour Banner.  Outlaw (519) was shown at colleges from March 31 to April 19, 1994.
    This 4' x 10' banner was hung on a college campus to advertise the upcoming show.

4. Free Cheese College Tour T-Shirt.  

        mem-con-free-tf.jpg (18241 bytes)     mem-con-free-tslv.jpg (23494 bytes)  The sponsers were listed on the sleeve.

        mem-con-free-tb.jpg (18397 bytes)     mem-con-free-tbx.jpg (25433 bytes)  This is the back of the shirt.

5. ConventioCon ExpoFest-A-Rama in Minneapolis September 16-17, 1994.

a. BBI proposed hotel floor plan (dated 2-28-94) and crew members' schedule

    mem-con1-floor.jpg (79141 bytes)     mem-con1-sched1.jpg (103359 bytes)     mem-con1-sched2.jpg (72099 bytes)     Below is the closing note from the schedule.

    mem-con1-sched3.jpg (31561 bytes)

b. Information letter mailed to Forrester Package MSTies

    mem-con1-mailing.jpg (103980 bytes)

c. Information given at registration, various handouts and other stuff

    mem-con1-info1.jpg (77664 bytes)     mem-con1-info2.jpg (87637 bytes)     mem-con1-info3.jpg (103992 bytes)    mem-con1-info4.jpg (75627 bytes)

    mem-con1-stuff1.jpg (17082 bytes)        mem-con1-stuff2.jpg (20838 bytes)

d. Pass

    mem-con-1-pass.jpg (53482 bytes)

e. Best Brains Staff Pass


f. Press Pass

    mem-con-1-prsspss.jpg (59768 bytes)

g. Program

    mem-con1-prog.jpg (42302 bytes)

h. MST Alive! ticket - The live performance of This Island Earth before it was made into MST3K: The Movie

    mem-con1-livetick.jpg (56761 bytes)

i. Official Convention T-Shirt

    mem-con-1-t.jpg (16857 bytes)    mem-con-1-t-xf.jpg (22794 bytes)    mem-con-1-t-xb.jpg (13391 bytes)

j. Volunteers T-Shirt

    mem-con-1-t-vol.jpg (18436 bytes)    mem-con-1-t-vol-x.jpg (19965 bytes)

k. Comedy Central T-Shirt

    mem-con-1-t-comc-ft.jpg (16136 bytes)    mem-con-1-t-comc-b.jpg (17040 bytes)     Front

    mem-con-1-t-comc.jpg (21618 bytes)    Back

l. Comedy Central and Universal Pins
    The Universal Appeal pins were worn to help convince executives from Universal Studios that were attending the convention to proceed with the proposed MST3K: The Movie project.

    mem-con-1-pin-cc.jpg (14212 bytes)        mem-con-1-pin-univ.jpg (16579 bytes)

m. Autographed T-Shirt

    mem-con-1-t-auto1.jpg (17566 bytes)    mem-con-1-t-auto2.jpg (20582 bytes)

n. Autographed Photo

    mem-con1-autopic.jpg (125386 bytes)

6. Fresh Cheese College Tour Banner.  Zombie Nightmare (604) shown September 21 to November 11, 1994.  These huge (4' x 10') banners were hung at the college or place that the viewing was held. mem-con-fresh-ban.jpg (114865 bytes)

7. Fresh Cheese T-Shirt.

        mem-con-fresh-t.jpg (18393 bytes)     mem-con-fresh-t-x.jpg (21599 bytes)

        mem-con-fresh-t-slv.jpg (17736 bytes)   The sponsors were listed on the sleeve.  The Specialist was a new Sylvester Stallone movie.

8. Dragon*Con 95 Program.  Held in Atlanta July 13-16, 1995.   As you can see from the bio printed inside Trace was originally scheduled to appear with Kevin.  Mike, however, filled in at the Con.

        mem-con-drag-pro.jpg (126157 bytes)        mem-con-drag-prox.jpg (133412 bytes)

9. Spring College Tour presenting three Shorts.  January 22 to February 23, 1996.  (Nothing from this one yet)

10. ConventioCon Expo-Fest-A-Rama 2:  Electric Bugaloo held in Minneapolis August 30 to September 1, 1996.

a. Reminder Card

    mem-con-2-remind.jpg (42754 bytes)

    mem-con-2-remind-b.jpg (58940 bytes)

b. Information letters mailed to MSTies attending Con 2

    mem-con2-info-ltr.jpg (89504 bytes)    con2-info2.jpg (66257 bytes)

c. Pass

    mem-con-2-pass.jpg (50024 bytes)

d. Best Brains Staff Pass


e. Program

    mem-con2-prog.jpg (38373 bytes)

f. Official T-Shirt (back)

    mem-con-2-t.jpg (15835 bytes)    mem-con-2-t-x.jpg (18570 bytes)

g. Volunteers T-Shirt (front; back is the same as above)


h. BBI Studio Tour tickets, Merchandise receipt  

mem-con2-bbitour.jpg (15445 bytes)

i. Autographed Pass

    mem-con2-pass-auto.jpg (67926 bytes)        mem-con2-pass-autox.jpg (34240 bytes)

j. Autographs of Kim Cattrall and Rex Reason (inside convention program)


k. Part of table decoration from Gala Costume Party table centerpiece.


          l. AOL MSTies T-Shirt (green)



        m. AOL MSTies T-Shirt (white)


        n. This handout circulated announcing that MST3K was picked up by the Sci-Fi Channel.


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