The Sci-Fi Channel Era
1997 - 1999
Items associated with the Sci-Fi Channel (SFC) episodes and era are included in the collection below.
1. Glossy proofs for the original Sci-Fi Channel ads announcing they had picked up MST3K. The third picture was not used in many trade journals. I included a close-up of the text of each.
2. Large (2'x3') character posters from the walls of the Best Brains Studio in Eden Prairie, MN
These were purchased at the on-site auction of the BBI Studios in June 1999. You can see three of the posters in the picture on the right.
3. Press kit season 8
4. The Thing That Couldn't Die (805) script - autographed for a charity function
The draft copy of episode 805 given to a local Minneapolis charity to auction off. This episode introduced the Observer characters.5. SFC Promotional Card Set was released during season 8 (1997). The parallelogram-shaped cards had foil fronts and advertised various shows currently on the SFC.
6. Rhino video unbuilt 3-Pack boxes.
7. Autographed copies of Here Comes the Big People comics sent to me by Trace Beaulieu, Sept 1997.
8. Bot Builder Booklet early proof copy. Cover and contents different from final product. c. Feb 1998
The Bot Builder Booklet and the envelopes and stationary shown below were all designed by illustrator Gary Glover.
A. Early proof copy cover; B. Cover of final versionA.
9. Early proofs for Best Brains, Inc envelopes. Feb 1998
A. First color proof; B. Grey scale proof; C. Final BBI envelope (note: after BBI moved in July 1999 they simply crossed out the address)A.
10. Early proofs for Best Brains, Inc stationary. Feb 1998
Note: a version of the stationary was eventually sold by Best Brains starting with the Holiday 2000 merchandise catalog.
A. Early color proof; B. Second color proof; C. Final BBI stationary; D. After BBI moved in July 1999 they used this plain version.A.
11. Press kit season 9
12. Episode screener The Projected Man (901). Note: This tape has the original unusual theater sound effect.
13. Episode screener Phantom Planet (902)
14. SFC Advertising Kit, including screener tape of Academy of Robots' Choice Award Special
This sales kit was issued between season 8 and 9 and includes a complete, commercial free screener of the Academy of Robots' Choice Awards.
15. SFC T-Shirt
16. Leather-sleeved Jacket, Sci-Fi logo on front/ MST logo on back
17. Sci-Fi Channel Catalog from Fall 1998, featuring MST on the cover.
18. Tom Servo/ Kevin Murphy autographed post card.
This card was sent to me as thanks for sending an interesting video to a BBI staff member.
19. Prototype Tom Servo statue used as model for Moore Creations
The copy of Tom on the left is supposedly a prototype version that has slightly different coloring, no crystal globe or printing on the bottom.
20. Moore Creations catalogue featuring Tom Servo and Crow statues
21. Moore Creations ad from a modelers trade journal, c. 1999
22. Joel's coloring book issued in March 1999 to promote his new company Visual Story Tools.
23. Final tours of BBI Studios were conducted on 3/26/99. Barb Tebben had some glossy hand outs for keepsakes.
24. Just for the heck of it here are a few of my own items from my trip to Minneapolis for the last Best Brains Studio tour. 3/25/99-3/28/99
Airline receipt ($581 round trip!), receipt for VHS of Werewolf I picked up at the Mall of America Suncoast Video, ticket from Underwater World also at the Mall, had some decent BBQ that night, boarding pass for the trip back. By the way three nights at the Hampton Inn - Eden Prairie cost another $246.
25. Press kit season 10
26. Episode screener Soultaker (1001)
27. eBay auction announcement postcard mailed out by Best Brains
28. eBay item certificates signed by Jim Mallon and Beth "Beez" McKeever
29. Squirm w/ A Case of Spring Fever (1012) unedited theater segment tape
This is one of the tapes that was mistakenly sold during the on-site auction at Best Brains Studio in June 1999 before the episode had aired.
30. Diabolik (1013) Script
This is a draft copy of the final script. Notice that the final scene would still need to be fleshed out some.31. Press kit final episode
This press kit is identical to the Season 10 kit except that the picture of Mike and the bots references the air date of the final episode.
32. Episode screener Diabolik (1013)
33. Daily Variety advertisement print, t-shirt and hat sent to contributors by the Satellite News
34. Freaks & Geeks Script
Not only was the show produced by J. Elvis "Josh" Weinstien, but also occasionally starred Joel Hodgson and Trace Beaulieu. This episode included Trace as science teacher Hector Lacovara who introduced the visiting Vice-President elect George Bush at a student assembly.
35. Freaks & Geeks Rough Cut Publicity Screeners
These are original NBC screeners sent out for upcoming episodes. Girlfriends and Boyfriends featured Trace and Looks and Books featured Joel.
36. MST3K: The Model autographed assembly instructions
37. SFC Era magazines