Non-BBI Merchandise
eBay Offerings
There have been a variety of sources of MST3K items made and sold without ever appearing in a BBI catalog. Some were made by fans of the show while many others resulted from the merchandising agreement with MCA/ Universal after the release of MST3K: The Movie.
I know of other items that were available, but I did not get the opportunity to pick them up. If you have one not pictured here please contact me. Here are the ones I have run across.
1. Mouse Pad with picture from Teenagers From Outer Space (404), c. 1997
2. Mouse Pad with picture from Summer Blockbuster Review, 1998
3. Mailing Labels, 1998 (various designs added over the years)
4. MST Information CDs and Screensavers, 1999
A long time MSTie burned a huge amount of information and memorabilia on a variety of disks. A large portion of his original MST3K items were added to my own collection about the time he started offering these disks. A few examples are shown below.
5. Tom Servo Pewter Necklace, 1998 by Chris Orlando (originally designed in 1995)
6. MST3K Caricature Prints, 2000 by Brian Davis
Along with the cast as seen below there were also prints for Gamera vs. Guiron (312), Manos (424), Laserblast (706), Mole People (803), Incredibly Strange Creatures (812) and Horrors of Party Beach (817)
7. Mystery Science Theater Street Signs, 2000
8. Light Switch Plate, 2001
9. MST2600, 2001
10. ACEG 2 - Seasons 8-10, issued c. 2001
This is actually a collection of print outs of the episode write-ups done by the MST writers and posted on the Sci-Fi Dominion.
11. Mouse Pads and Checkbook Cover, 2002 by Star Haven Designs
There are a wide variety of images for both the mouse pad and the checkbook cover.
12. Card Holders, Pill Boxes, Lighters, Chokers, Key chains, Chrome Cases, and Bracelets, 2002 by Jade Tiger Art
13. MST3K Art Prints, 2002 by Jean Jackson, Inc.
These wonderful prints may not have been available on eBay, but are still available on Jean's website Below is a personal favorite, Nightmads, a clever parody of Edward Hopper's Nighthawks (see thumbnail below).14. MST3K:TM Window Decal, Magnets, Christmas Labels, T-Shirts, Pillow Case. 2003
15. MST3K:TM Mouse Pad, 2003
16. MST3K Pins, 2003
17. WWJD Bumper Sticker, 2003
18. Gizmonic/ Deep 13 etched shot glasses, 2005
19. Vinyl silhouette made of either white or black vinyl, also in various sizes, 2005