BBI Merchandise
BBI Video
1. Play MST For Me (Item #10; 1st available Holiday 1991 for $12)
2. Play MST For Me 2 (#20; Spring 1994; $15)
3. MST Poopie (#44; Spring 1995; $15)
4. MST Scrapbook (#45; Spring 1995; $22.50); Also sold as Poopie/ Scrapbook Combo (#47, Spring 1995; $30)
5. MST3K: The Movie (#85; Spring 1997; $15)
The movie was also sold with a chunk of the Deep 13 set for $2 more. See the Cool Stuff section for pictures.6. Poopie II (#88; Holiday 1997; $15)
7. Tom Servo's Favorite Host Segments (#103; Spring 1998; $16)
8. Tom Servo's Favorite Host Segments II (#117; Holiday 1998; $16)
9. Tom Servo's Favorite Host Segments III (#130; Spring 1999; $16)
10. Tom Servo's Favorite Host Segments IV (#135; Holiday 1999; $16)
11. The Last Dance - Raw (#136; Holiday 1999; $15)
12. Mr. B's Lost Shorts (#141; Spring 2000; $15)
13. Tom Servo's Favorite Host Segments V (#142; Spring 2000; $16)
When you line up the five video cases you get the complete picture shown below.14. Play MST For Me 3 (#148; Holiday 2000; $15)
15. Assignment Venezuela and Other Shorts (#151; Spring 2001; $15)
16. BBI Video - Boggy Creek II (1006) (#157; Holiday 2001; $16)
17. BBI Video - Girl In Gold Boots (1002) (#158; Holiday 2001; $16)
18. BBI Video - Touch of Satan (908) (#159; Holiday 2001; $16)
19. BBI Video - Hamlet (1009) (#160; Holiday 2001; $16)
20. Play MSTie For Me I-II-III Triple Decker DVD Set (#176; Holiday 2004; $15)
21. Monster A Go-Go Deal: Both T-Shirts (#179, #180) and the DVD 4-Pack Volume 8 (#178) (#181; Holiday 2005; $75)
22. Tom Servo's Favorite Host Segments Volume 1 plus Poopie DVD (#183; Holiday 2005; $15)