Merchandise - Best Brains, Inc
Click on a category in the following table of contents to take you to pictures of every item sold by Best Brains, Inc.
Note: The item numbers listed on the following pages reference the order that each item was issued not the catalog number. The item number will be followed by the catalog date the item was first available and the original price.
1. Clothing
a. T-Shirts
b. Other Shirts
c. Hats2. Mugs
3. Multimedia
a. BBI Video/DVD
b. Rhino Video
c. Rhino DVD
d. CDs
e. Books5. Small Stuff
a. Office Supplies (Bumper Sticklers, Maus Pads, Pins, etc.)
b. Pictures (Posters, Postcards, etc.)6. Cool Stuff
a. Demon Dog, Lunch Box, Watch, etc.If you would like to see an excel matrix of every item ever sold by BBI including when it was available and how much it cost click here:
Note: Each of the Merchandise Catalogs can be viewed in the Newsletter room of the Photo Gallery.