BBI Merchandise

Small Stuff - Pictures

1. Fan Photo - Joel and the Bots on the SOL (Item #8; 1st available Spring 1991 for $4)

        bbi-fanpic-sol.jpg (35543 bytes)

2. Fan Photo - Dr. F and Frank in Deep 13 (#9; Spring 1991; $4)

        bbi-fanpic-mads.jpg (24085 bytes)

3. Poster of Joel & Bots with Mads (24x36) (#13; Spring 1992; $10)

        bbi-poster-1.jpg (82196 bytes)

4. Poster of Mike & Bots with Mads (#18; Fall 1993; $15)

        bbi-poster-2.jpg (91794 bytes)

5. Postcards (SOL #33, Deep 13 #34, Mike #35, Forrester #36, Frank #37, Gypsy #38, Crow #39, Tom #40,
        8-Pack #41; Holiday 1994; $0.75 each or $5.50 for set)

bbi-pc-sol.jpg (24798 bytes)   bbi-pc-deep13.jpg (23975 bytes)  bbi-pc-mike.jpg (17425 bytes)  bbi-pc-drf.jpg (22402 bytes)

    bbi-pc-frank.jpg (19862 bytes)    bbi-pc-gypsy.jpg (21551 bytes)    bbi-pc-crow.jpg (20499 bytes)    bbi-pc-servo.jpg (22612 bytes)

6. Joel & Bots Cast Photo (#48; Holiday 1995; $2)

        bbi-castphoto-sol.jpg (34325 bytes)

7. Frank & Forrester Cast Photo (#49; Holiday 1995; $2)

        bbi-castphoto-mads.jpg (26665 bytes)

8. Postcards (Mrs. Forrester #50, Dr. Forrester & Pearl #51; Holiday 1995; $0.75 each)
        also sold with 8 cards above as 10-Pack (#78; Holiday 1996; $6.50)

        bbi-pc-pearl.jpg (22464 bytes)    bbi-pc-mads2.jpg (27378 bytes)

9. Character Posters (Mike #69, Crow #70, Servo #71, Gypsy #72, Joel #73, Dr. F #74, Frank #75;
        Holiday 1996; $6 each)

bbi-char-mike.jpg (28071 bytes)     bbi-char-crow.jpg (32097 bytes)    bbi-char-tom.jpg (33216 bytes)

bbi-char-gyps.jpg (32392 bytes)     bbi-char-joel.jpg (30405 bytes)    bbi-char-drf.jpg (33472 bytes)

bbi-char-frank.jpg (27867 bytes)

10. Sci-Cast Poster with Widowmaker (#87; Spring 1997; $10)

        bbi-poster-3.jpg (103139 bytes)

11.Postcards - Kaboom 6-Pack (#124; Holiday 1998; $6)

 bbi-pc-k-gypsy.jpg (23345 bytes)    bbi-pc-k-tom.jpg (23656 bytes)    bbi-pc-k-crow.jpg (22181 bytes)    bbi-pc-k-sol.jpg (23841 bytes)

        bbi-pc-k-vw.jpg (20474 bytes)    bbi-pc-k-logo.jpg (19179 bytes)

12. Greeting Cards - Kaboom, 2 different 4-packs (#125; Holiday 1998; $7 each set)

bbi-card-1.jpg (37550 bytes)     bbi-card-2.jpg (29786 bytes)     bbi-card-3.jpg (41697 bytes)

bbi-card-4.jpg (38311 bytes)     bbi-card-5.jpg (35247 bytes)     bbi-card-6.jpg (39167 bytes)

bbi-card-7.jpg (39361 bytes)     bbi-card-8.jpg (40322 bytes)

13. Signed Cast Poster (#152; Spring 2001; $25)
        Note: These signed posters were also given to MSTies who supplied Floraliers to Best Brains when they ran short in September 1998.

        bbi-poster-4.jpg (102288 bytes)

        bbi-poster-4kev.jpg (23417 bytes)         bbi-poster-4pat.jpg (34827 bytes)

bbi-poster-4bil.jpg (20187 bytes)        bbi-poster-4mar.jpg (32182 bytes)         bbi-poster-4mik.jpg (24985 bytes)


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